eBRAM LawTech Service Portal

As a one-stop LawTech service provider, eBRAM harnesses the power of advanced technologies to offer secure,
accessible and cost-effective LawTech services to assist legal and business communities in enhancing efficiency.
Subscription Packages
HK$ for 12 months (HK$/month)

Unlimited translation (Maximum 100 MB per file)
Unlimited download
Unlimited storage
HK$ for 12 months (HK$/ month)

One meeting at the same time, with 100 attendees per meeting
No restriction on the meeting duration
Unlimited real-time transcription and translation
Unlimited download of transcripts
* The free trial version only allows a maximum of 20 attendees per video conference meeting.
HK$ for 12 months (HK$/month)

Unlimited online signing (supporting multi-parties signing simultaneously)
Enable signing alert
Signed document protected by Blockchain technology
Come with a Transaction Log (for tracking the activities)